Lighttable highlight line
Lighttable highlight line

lighttable highlight line

Storing binding variables between evals allows for a more REPL like experience. Methods are now stored as closure binding variables.

  • 0.0.4 Connect to gradle projects for exploratory testing of any classes in the classpath.
  • 0.0.5 Execute Gradle tasks for connected gradle project (with progress reporting).
  • Big cheers to effrafax and rlovtangen for contributions to this release ! Cheers to hackergarten at Gr8Conf for contributions.
  • 0.0.6 Gradle dependency graph and execute tasks for gradle multi-projects.
  • groovy files outside of gradle projects failed Output is written to: $groovy-plugin-dir$/lt_groovy.log Version history If you wish to enable debug logging from the groovy client.
  • If you click the "header" of the diagram you should be taken back to the default view.
  • Clicking on a project dep node should bring you to a detailed view of dependecies for that project.
  • Any project node (configured as project(.) dependency in gradle) should be clickable.
  • Overview diagram for multiproject (creates edges for any connection between projects regardless of configuration).
  • View dependency graph per configuration (tab/button per config).
  • For multiprojects you also get an overview diagram + the ability to drill down to individual projects. Each dependency configuration available in your project can be viewed. You can view a dependency graph for your connected gradle project via the command Groovy: Show gradle dependencies. If there is an error the stacktrace is logged to the console.
  • The task will be executed and progress shown in the status bar.
  • For multiprojects task selectors are shown in addition to the individual tasks available for each subproject
  • Select command: Groovy: Select gradle task.
  • When you have connected to a Gradle project you can invoke tasks (currently only one at a time). The plugin uses the runttime classpath available through your projects main sourceSet Gradle task execution Once connected you can import and use classes available from the classpath of that project.ģrd party libraries are available without further ado, but for project internal classes you must explicitly compile your project. Then select the directory where your adle file resides. Just use the command Add connection and select "Groovy" from the list. You can connect the groovy plugin to a gradle project (its using the Gradle tooling API under the hood). If you wish to clear all bindings for an editor invoke the command Groovy: Clear bindings for current editor (you probably would want to assign your own keyboard shortcut for it !) Gradle integration curry( 4)() // Its a closure not a method ! Anything that is evaluated is run as a groovy script, so obviously the same restrictions apply.ĭef myDouble( x) // evaluates and results in a closure stored in bindings This gives you a behavior resembling a repl, but with many limitations. Bindingsīindings are stored/cached per editor. If there are any exceptions, any values recorded prior to the exception arising are also shown.

    lighttable highlight line

    In looping constructs a max of 10 values are displayed for any given line.

    lighttable highlight line

    Values for all top level expressions are shown. ctrl/cmd-enter evaluates the selected text/current line, prints output to the console and shows results inline for selected line(s).ctrl/cmd-shift-enter evaluates all content in the current editor, prints any output to the console and shows results line by line.Simple syntax highlighting is provided throught the use of CodeMirror groovy mode. You need to have groovy installed and available in your PATH.Check out the wiki for more details: Contributing Requirements

    Lighttable highlight line